birthday party
at Sárkánykard

Kungfu birthday party — unusual, useful, memorable! Children will gain insight into the wonderful world of traditional Shaolin kungfu: its history, traditions, philosophical and martial principles. They will have the opportunity to test their newly acquired knowledge and skills in guided and safe (!) exercises. They are sure to be tired and happy at the end! ;)

The birthday party lasts two and a half hours. Arrive 15 minutes before the start time for changing and briefing on the birthday party routine. The experiential guided session will be tailored to the abilities of the group as described below:

Birthday party fee: 3 000 Ft/person (minimum 45 000 Ft)
Maximum number of participants: 25 persons
Minimum age: 5 years old
Payment method: cash or bank transfer

During school year birthday parties can be organised only on weekends, during school vacations and public holidays by prior arrangement. It is always necessary to book the date in advance by making the prepayment of 15 000 Ft.

The package does not include food, drinks and cake. You can bring any kind of food (except alcohol!). The cake can be stored in the fridge. 

If required, we can provide pizza (DonPepe's giant 55 cm pizza is always a great hit!), paper plates, glasses, napkins, etc. The cost of this will be charged separately.

All participants (or accompanying persons) must wear clean shoes or socks and respect the rules of the gym! Participants should wear comfortable, sports clothing. The sports centre has men's and women's changing rooms with showers.

Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements!

A few opinions from parents:

"It was a fantastic birthday party, the kids enjoyed every minute!"

"They were still asleep at 7.30 in the morning and went to bed at half past 8!!! And they really enjoyed kungfu, they spent the whole evening showing what they had learned!"

Anna-Maria birthday party

Aurora birthday party